What is VABIOLA?

Vabiola is a project of international cooperation and sharing for the valorisation and recognition of the linguistic and intercultural pathways of pupils aged 6 to 18. In anticipation of the European area of education and training, the project is supported by the Erasmus + France agency – which has been financing the project since November 2021 – and has been labelled PFUE (French Presidency of the European Union).

Fondé sur les recommandations du CECRL (cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues), le partenariat Vabiola vise à proposer une version modernisée du PEL (portfolio européen des langues) en lui offrant une nouvelle dimension numérique pour favoriser la prise de conscience collective des atouts offerts par le plurilinguisme et encourager l’implication des parents, notamment les plus éloignés de l’école et de(s) la langue(s) de scolarisation.

Born from the alliance of the expertise of 6 partners: the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes academic region (DRAREIC, CASNAV, EAFC), the INSPE of Lyon, the Assessorat de l’Éducation de la Valle d’Aosta, the Dulala association, the University of Aveiro, the University of Thessaloniki, the Arteveldehogeschool of Ghent, the partnership also has an associated partner: the association Bilingualism Matters. The partners have committed to producing, by November 2024:

a pedagogical guide providing an overview of the portfolio approach in taking into account multilingualism among pupils in Europe;

an application adapted to smartphones to promote the plurilingual and pluricultural background of the pupils;

a training and support module for the use of the application.

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